John Deere LX 280 44″ snow blade for sale

Great quality 44″ snow blade for John Deere LX 280 or similar lawn mowers. This blade has come off the JD LX280 lawn tractor… does have all the pins attached and is ready to be mounted up and gone! The pin in the front allows the blade to be bent to the left or to the right.

I also have a pair of chains for the LX 280 or the same size wheels that I’m going to throw in.
I bought for my tractor, but the 300 series doesn’t suit… my lack of research is your advantage!

AM131018 part of John Deere for your use. My study (too late) says it suits LT150, LT180, LX280, GX255, X324 and “others” Not sure what “others” say, so please do your own research.

Price: $ 200

About the product

Model Number: LT150, LT180, LX280, GX255, X324, LX 280

About the seller

Name: Roger K. Calhoun
Phone: 318-259-0441

Contact the seller

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